It is our pleasure to provide an extensive set of free tutorials on telecommunications, data communications, IP, networking, MPLS, VoIP, wireless and more.
Tutorials serve several purposes:
Three kinds of tutorials are available
Tutorials, text+graphics tutorials and Online Course lesson tutorials.
Each tutorial corresponds to one lesson in our training: a page in the course workbook, a video segment or an online course lesson.
How to Access the Tutorials
Just sign in to myTeracom. A full page of links to all the tutorials is displayed after login.
If you're not a myTeracom member yet, it's fast, easy and free to sign up, and provides instant access.
Your information remains strictly private. We will never give your email address to anyone.
Video Tutorials
Video tutorials are full-length, full-quality segments from our now-retired DVDs... but the fundamentals never change, and most of the content is still relevant. Besides, you get to enjoy our charismatic and funny instructor.
One lesson has been extracted from each course and turned into a video tutorial. Each video tutorial lasts between 7 and 15 minutes. In total, there is over an hour of self-paced instructor-led training lessons available.
Use video tutorials simply to learn something useful.
Online Course Lesson Tutorials
Online Course lesson tutorials are single lessons from our Online Courses.
For each course, the course introduction and one lesson is available for free.
Use these online course lesson tutorials to get an idea of the quality of our browser-based Online Courses and/or learn something useful.
Graphic + Text Tutorials
Graphic + text tutorials are taken from the course workbooks that are included with every instructor-led course.
The course workbooks are organized so that when the book is open, the graphics and bullets that the instructor is displaying with a projector are on the right-side page.
Detailed text notes, including and usually going beyond what the instructor is saying are on the left-side page.
Each of these tutorials corresponds to one lesson, two pages in a course workbook (left-side text page and right-side graphics and bullets page).
Each tutorial covers one key concept, representing five to fifteen minutes of in-class or on-camera discussion, or one online course lesson.
Use graphics + text tutorials to preview your printed course materials, get an idea of the style and technical level of our training... or again, to learn something useful.
Benefit from decades of knowledge, insight and experience distilled into clear lessons designed for non‑engineers, logically organized to build one concept on another... in plain English.
Join thousands of satisfied customers including the FBI Training Academy, US Marine Corps Communications School, US Army, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard, CISA, DISA, DoJ NSD, NSA and CIA, IRS, FAA, DND, CRA, CRTC, RCMP, banks, power companies, police forces, manufacturers, government, local and regional telcos, broadband carriers, individuals, telecom planners and administrators, finance, tax and accounting personnel and many more from hundreds of companies. Teracom's GSA Contract GS-02F-0053X for supplying this training to the United States Government reflects approved quality and value you can depend on.